ANTIQUED WITCH'S BOARD (completed 1/01) Here's a traditional witch board design which incorporates the process of "antiquing". This process gives this beautiful board an ancient, worn appearance, even though the surface is as smooth and glass-like as any of the other boards I produce. A truly unique board! (double click images to enlarge) GLOW-IN-THE DARK EVIL CLOWN BOARD (completed 8/00) I came across a picture of an evil looking clown while surfing the net one night, and was inspired to create this evil clown board. The board has a really cool special effect-all the clowns and lettering glow in the dark when the light are turned off. Really eerie!
EGYPTIAN EYE OF HORUS BOARD (completed 7/00) The Eye of Horus is one of the most powerful Egyptian protective symbols, so I thought a board containing this symbol would be the perfect deterrent of evil influences. Each corner of the board contains a painting of an Egyptian scarab.
GLOW-IN-THE-DARK CELTIC BOARD (completed 9/00) Besides glowing in the dark, the Celtic board has some other very unusual features. The center of the Board contains a ghostly hand-painted silhouette of a druid priest who watches over the board and its users. Both bottom corners contain Celtic protective symbols to guard against evil influences.
SUN AND MOON BOARD (COMPLETED 12/92) This beautiful board was completed in December 1992, and is actually the first board I ever made. It is 3/4" thick solid wood with decorative molding and is quite heavy. I don't know what it is about this particular board but it provides really good results.
SKULL AND CROSSED BONES BOARD (completed 10/00) Here's a spooky "bones" board with a unique feature- ruby gemstone skull eyes have been inset into the board. I carried the gemstone theme into the planchette by inserting another gemstone into the tip.
TAROT LOTTERY BOARD (completed 12/00) This beautiful, vibrant-colored board was created specifically for choosing lottery numbers. The background features an image similar to that seen on THE EMPEROR tarot card, which represents wealth and power.
JEWISH MYSTICISM BOARD (completed 4/01) Commissioned by a customer into Jewish Mysticism, this board features traditional Jewish symbols and colors.
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